Sunday, September 28, 2008

Mom's new room makes her happy!

My Mom as you may have found out has Early Onset Alzheimer's. She has her good and bad moments. She has a double occupancy room. A few months ago her roommate passed. I noticed a sadness to my mother. Which showed me she does still remember and notice some things. The staff at her nursing home (Flagler Pines) are wonderful to her! She is in good hands there. My mom has been in nursing homes as of October 2008, it will be 5 years! In the current one she is in, its been half that time. Well, a few weeks ago, she was moved to a new room. She has a nice roommate, too. My Mom has a wonderful view out her window. She can watch her disney channel that she likes or the western channel on the other ladies TV. She can view both TVs, I think that's awesome! Kevin and I went up there and she was watching "The secret life of Zach and Cody" (I think that's the name)on disney. There was a comedic seen in it and my mom got it. At first we thought she was trying to say something or cry, because her face was turning red. But then the laughter came. It was like watching your child walk for the first time. My heart fluttered with happiness. Yes, it breaks my heart to know my mother is dying. I used to grudge over it. Now, I look at it as she 's still here alive. She's not in any pain, it's just a long mourning process for friends and family. I would rather see her with this then cancer or some horrible painful disease. I know saying this can make some people curdle, but it helps me cope knowing she's still alive and pain free. Anyways, my mom IS a good woman and mother and deserves the best there is. Thank You, Flagler Pines and Staff for the love and care you give my mother!

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