We went to visit my mother a few hours ago. She looked a little flushed and felt a little warm. My husband and I noticed she was moving her mouth as if she was yawning. After about 10 minutes I decided to look inside her mouth and in the left corner was a huge abscess. I have notice that even though my Mom can't speak, very seldom she does, but her actions are louder than words. She may not know what is wrong with her but her body does. We called the nurse in and she gave my mom some extra strength tylenol. The nurse also said that she would call the doctor to see if a dental referral would be needed. Her doctor visits regularly every Tuesday. I love my Mom, I hate seeing her in pain. Her remaining time on earth should be pain-free.
I chose ths picture, to represent my Mom. Looking at it let's me know her spirit is free, even though she's not. My mom has asked to be cremated and her ashes poured over the mountains. I think this picture fits her perfect!